The Sam L. Cohen Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that strives to ensure that all people have the opportunity to develop their potential and provide healthy, productive futures for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Our work is based on these three core beliefs:
Everyone deserves an opportunity to have a fulfilling and productive future;
Family and community are of utmost importance in life; and
Giving back to one’s community is a fundamental value.

Promoting the teaching and practice of music, dance, theater, visual arts and creative writing to enrich and enhance quality of life and community.

Advancing opportunity and quality of life for underserved and marginalized populations by strengthening the social and economic fabric of our communities.

Spanning the entire continuum—pre-K through college and adulthood—of this single most important investment that a community can make in its citizens and its future.

Expanding access and choices for vulnerable and low-income individuals and families by strengthening human services organizations and promoting new responses to challenges in the sector.

Practicing “Tzedekah”— the act of giving help to others—through support of institutions and programs that preserve Jewish education, tradition, and culture in southern Maine.